domingo, 18 de março de 2012

New Wonder!!

Hey everyone, here I am again posting on my blog... but this time as you noticed in English. Well and I can also tell you I'm posting after a very funny party tonight, so if anytime you find a evidence of fatigue or even sleep, please just ignore!! LOL
So, lets start. As I said before, tonight - or shall I say"The last night?" - I had a very great time with my friends and classmates. It was the Prom's night and it was also dedicated to the Finalists,of course. But I can tell you that it was a great great party, with music,dance, and a lot of food and drinks.. such as Coca-Cola... Ahahahah, just kidding, I mean there was food and drinks but the best of the party wasn't absolutely the food. At the least not to me! At the beggining I was feeling pretty nervous, but when a friend came to my house to pick me,I started feeling better. We went to the party in my friend family's car and at arrival we enjoyed the party. At first, at 11 p.m.  we watched a concert but at midnight the prom started. That was absolutely the best moment of the night, despite all the little stresses- people pushing each other, screams, all that noise...MADNESS!!
Anyway,the things got pacific and my classmates started dancing. Oh my God they were so cute, they looked like Hollywood stars!! :) After dancing the concert moved on and two guys had the opportunity of being famous for a few minutes, and also were congratulated with a "Happy Brithday's song".
Well there's nothing else to tell you, the rest of the party was spent dancing, talking to friends, dancing again and singing. Yeah I also had time to raise my voice up high. ;)
That's it, it seems nothing but to me it was a wonderful night out, believe it! I finish saying I'm so thankful to my guys, they were the reason why I went to the prom and had a nice time in there. Without you people party would suck. Well I'll stop writting today,but before I leave I let you small part of the lyrics of  a music that in this moment, means a lot to me... As an ending: See you in the next post! xoxo..

To the freakin 'weeken
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jamesons sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don't let the bastards get down and turn it around

With another round
There's a party at the bar
Everybody put your glasses up
And I drink to that
Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
I drink to that

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012


É esta a pergunta que não consigo parar de fazer!! Bolas parece que foi ontem que descobri que ia para uma nova escola, que tive uma certa dificuldade em me poder orientar pelos corredores, saber onde ficavam as salas de aulas, decorar o horário,passar 90 minutos fechada numa sala a ouvir os professores... Uf, o tempo realmente passa a correr!! Mas no meio de inscrições para exames, papéis atrás de papéis,prazos para entrega de documentos, consulta de sites de apoio para escolhermos o que queremos seguir, há ainda tempo para me lembrar que sendo Finalista, terei que me despedir de pessoas que me acompanharam durante o ano. Sei que ainda falta imenso tempo,mas quer dizer,o fim está perto!!! Mal consigo imaginar o último dia, e ainda por cima,houve o incoveniente de mudar de escola no ultimo ano, o que so piora a situação. Odeio despedidas e se as pessoas de quem me despeço forem da minha confiança,pior! O que é o caso. Mas deixando isso, tenho tambem já que começar a pensar no meu futuro,se entro ou não para a Universidade ou que curso quero tirar. Bolas, isto é demais para mim!!
Por sorte estou a precaver-me com a ajuda dos professores, e ja tenho algo em mente.
No entanto é ainda muito dificil acreditar que já ouço as pessoas a dizerem-me que devo seguir o meu destino,pensar por mim mesma,saber bem o que vou fazer e,sobretudo,que um dia serei só eu e não terei a minha mãe para me fazer as coisas(subentenda-se:se eu estiver confusa, não ouvirei ninguem a dizer-me o que fazer).Caso para dizer: PÂNICO!!
Seja como for, venha o que vier,já que cheguei aqui, espero conseguir manter-me normal,e dadas as circunstancias, consguir sobreviver ao facto de EU JÀ SER FINALISTA!!